
Twin Striker Skill - Blue Protocol

Tier G1 Unlocks Level 11 CD: 14s Leap forward and perform a slamming attack creating a Fire Elemental shock wave. Double Attack is possible with additional skill button press. Creates an AOE (300 Units) dealing continuous Fire damage when a Double Attack is performed (5 Seconds).
Tier G2 Unlocks Level 30 CD: 14s Increase AOE Duration (15 Seconds) .
Tier G3 Unlocks Level 49 CD: 14s 3-stage attack becomes possible with additional skill button press. Creates an AOE dealing continuous Fire damage when a Triple Attack is performed and Increase Radius of AOE (366 Units).
Tier G3α Unlocks Level 50 CD: 14s Increase AOE Damage (10%).
Tier G3β Unlocks Level 50 CD: 14s Reduce Radius of AOE (280 Units), but increases AOE damage intervals (20% Faster).