Blade Warden Skill - Blue Protocol
Blade Warden Skill - Blue Protocol
Tier G1 | Unlocks Level 10 | CD: 30s | After activation, apply Taunt (7 Seconds) to the next attack hit. Forces the enemy to target you and generates a massive amount of threat on anyone hit Taunt buff ends after a period of time (30 Seconds) or when the next attack hits. |
Tier G2 | Unlocks Level 29 | CD: 26s | Reduce Cooldown (27 Seconds). |
Tier G3 | Unlocks Level 48 | CD: 27s | Increase Duration of Taunt effect (9 Seconds). |
Tier G3α | Unlocks Level 50 | CD: 27s | Grants Super Armor to self on activation (15 Seconds). |
Tier G3β | Unlocks Level 50 | CD: 27s | Restores Shield Gauge when effect ends. |